What is your current favorite TikTok trend?
My favorite TikTok trend is the #FashionEdit or as the internet also referred to as Hot Seat where users highlight traditional outfits from different cultures around the world.
You’re quite the traveler, where is your dream destination post COVID-19?
I am originally from Vietnam and still have family & business in Ho Chi Minh city and Hanoi. Post COVID-19, I cannot wait to visit the motherland and perhaps also pay a visit to our famous beach town, DaNang and stay at my favorite resort – the Intercontinental Peninsula DaNang.
What advice would you give a young girl who wants your role some day?
Be kind. Though the social media world is heightened with creativity, and ambitious talents, we are also responsible for our community sentiment and accountability. It’s important to be kind and genuine to everyone you meet along the way. You’ll never know whom you are helping and who might be helping you in the future.
You’d never know that I...
am allergic to adhesive bandaids and of course, racism.