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INTRODUCING #AOGirls LA EDITION! Meet Amelie, Demi, Angelica and Georgia, the next generation of GAME CHANGERS. Get to know them this week and learn how they are making big impacts in their communities.

The Interview

Meet Amelie

I’m Amelie, the Founder and Chief Editor of the TwoMinuteTimes. The TwoMinuteTimes is a weekly political newsletter I send out every Sunday where I break down, in an entertaining and witty fashion, national and international headlines to help young people digest the news. The aim is to educate young people in such a way they feel connected to the world and become empowered to give back.

To all females looking to create positive and substantial change, always remember you are your own source of truth. Gen Z in particular has so much power to effect change, we really are the opposite of apathetic, but we exist in a society wherein girls are subconsciously taught that what they have to say often holds little value. Instead of getting caught up in the feeling others won’t pay attention, focus on the impact you can make and speak your truth to power!!

Meet Angelica + Georgia

We co-founded Girls Get IT, a computer science education and empowerment summer camp. The IT in Girls Get IT stands for information technology. We love our name because we think that it's short, sweet, and to the point. After all, girls really do just get it :).

While our camp's primary objective is to educate students on computer science, Girls Get IT is also a classroom for mentorship, empowerment, and fun. The class is designed for students who are female-identifying or non-binary.

We teach students about the importance of internet safety, privacy, and online kindness. We also ground all our lessons around the values of gender equity, feminism, and future paths students can take to advance their education in STEAM fields (both in school and in the workforce). Finally, we break up coding lessons with fun team building activities, such as bracelet making, escape rooms, collaging, and mindfulness meditation.

Just go out, and do it! You are never too young or too inexperienced to get started. And truly, the hardest part of a startup is starting it. So take that leap, and create whatever you've been dreaming of. If you're not going to do it, then who else will? Believe in yourself. Build ethically and creatively with empathy always at the forefront, and the rest will fall into place. Don't hesitate to reach out to us or if you think we could be helpful in any way!


Meet Demi

Quarantunes is a platform my Dad and I created in order to give back to the community during the pandemic. We host (somewhat) weekly zoom concerts with a variety of artists. The goal of Quarantunes is to show people they are not alone even through the hardest times. As a community we raise awareness and money for different organizations.

Obviously, with anything anyone does there are challenges, but Quarantunes has been so invigorating and transformative for me. I have learned so many life long lessons along with having an immense amount of responsibility. There has only been growth for me and a better understanding of the world around me. I have learned how one action can have the biggest ripple effect. I would tell all girls that they are capable of anything they set their mind to. I know that sounds cheesy, but it is true. Have faith in yourself and your voice. That is the most powerful tool that will never leave you. Someone will hear your voice and message. Through that you will make a difference.

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